A transparency campaign from

Reported sites, by category

Category URL Count
Adult, Pornography, and Escort Services 76
Advertising, Branding, and Communications Agencies 17
Advice Sites (Drugs, Alcohol, Abuse) 62
Agriculture, horticulture and agricultural supplies 10
Aimed at under 18s 3
Alcohol 39
Alcohol-related (non-sales) sites 39
Antiques and Collectibles 3
APIs, CDNs, and Network Endpoints 15
Architecture and Design 6
Arts, Crafts, and Sculpture 57
Bars, Clubs, and Restaurants 22
Beauty and cosmetics 41
Body piercing and tattoos 4
Books, Writing, and Literature 41
Builders and Building Supplies 41
Business 75
Business and Services 90
Care homes 1
CBD Oils, CBD-Related, and Hemp Products 78
Celebrity related 6
Charity and non-profit 85
Child-related business 24
Clothing and Fashion 28
Community and social media 58
Cooking and food 21
Counselling, Support, and Mental Health 157
Dating 41
Directory Services and Advertisements 5
Drug Paraphernalia 3
E-cigarettes 6
Education and Academic Reference 50
Energy and environment 2
Events and events companies 30
Fashion 29
File Sharing and BitTorrent Trackers 12
Financial 19
Fireworks 5
Flower shops 13
Gardening 8
Government 3
Guns and Weapons 11
Health 54
History and heritage 15
Household, household repairs and DIY 44
Humour, Comics and Entertainment 12
Industry and manufacturing 15
Kitchens and Interior Design 9
Languages and language learning 7
Lingerie 7
Lotteries and gambling 12
Media Streaming 49
Movies and TV 12
Music 73
News 12
Parked or Inactive Domain 120
Personal 58
Photography, Graphic Design, and Filmmaking 51
Political 34
Pornographic Advertisements 1
Real Estate and Property 12
Regulated shooting ranges and associations 14
Regulated UK gunshops 6
Religious 30
Science and medical science 14
Shopping 99
Spam or Hijacked 6
Spirituality and non-conventional beliefs 6
Sport and leisure 79
Takeaway businesses 6
Tech, IT and Software 105
Tobacco paraphernalia and collectibles 4
Tobacco sales 6
Transport and vehicles 36
Travel and Tourism 30
Video and Online Games 64
Vineyards 10
VPN or security tool 65
Web designers 7
Weddings and Wedding Photographers 56
Wellbeing 18